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Privacy Policy

This document serves as the Privacy Policy for and covers this Service.

Twitch Data You Give Us

At login we collect the following information

This constitutes your Public Twitch information, at Login Twitch provides us a token that identifies your Twitch Account to this Service.

This Token allows us to ask Twitch for your Public information which along with the above, would include your description, account type (affiliate/partner) and profile URL.

Discord Data You Give Us

After Twitch login you are directed to provide a Discord Guild/Channel combination to send Alerts to.

We collect and store.

Discord does not provide the Discord Guild name of Channel name.

Discord will generate a Webhook for us to Post to, we collect and store that URL

Twitch Channel Data We Collect

After Setup is complete, we will fetch from Twitch the current Channel information for your channel and instruct Twitch to provide Channel Information updates when that Data changes, via EventSub.

We collect and store the following Public items

Data we give to Third Parties

We collect and store and give NO data to third parties, with the following exception:

When your Channel changes state, title, of live status, we compile that into a Discord notification and send that to the Discord you Linked.

Other Data we collect

Your IP address and the pages you visit are recored to the Server access log, but cannot be identified as belonging to any paticular Twitch or Discord User ID.


We collect and store a number of public items and create a link between a Twitch ID and a Discord Guild and Channel ID's. We do not collect and priviledged information as we only request Public Data.

Examples shown on this page represent public information regarding "BarryCarlyon" the creator of this site/tool


Currently the easiest method to Terminate this service is to visit Twitch Settings/Connections, scroll to "BarryCarlyon's Super Simple Discord Notifications Platform" and click the [Disconnect] Button

How to use Twitch Settings/Connections to Disconnect this platform

This will terminate the connection between Twitch and this service, but not Disord and this Service. To do that on your Discord server take the following steps

  1. Visit your Server
  2. Go to Server Settings
  3. Click Integration
  4. Under Bots and Apps, Click Manage on "BarryCarlyon's Super Simple Discord Notifications Platform" entry
  5. Click "Remove Integration"
How to use Discord Server Integrations to Disconnect this platform

Thats it!

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